Monday, January 4

Time to get going...

The hardest thing about writing, is starting. 'coconut deer' has been a flicker of a thought for a year now, but finally she's on her way.

I am not writing to reason, nor reasoning to write.

Just pick up some ink, take a breath....whether its one word, two words, sentences, bepuzzlements, bemusements, installations, exclamations or interpretations...release whatever is in your head.

I'm unpublished, which makes me a questionable no one, but as a writer thats quite liberating - no expectations, I can write to my own end. Make it your goal to write for yourself, for your own enjoyment.

As for the critics, these are your inked meanderings, so the only critic can be yourself.

As for me, i'll guide you through my own exploration of creative writing. Enjoy!

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