Monday, April 5

"Where art thou Muse, that thou forget'st so long..."

Tapping your pen on your paper, looking around for distractions to tempt you? The problem any writer faces is where to begin and i'll be honest, it actually is the hardest thing to do.

Muses are great if you have one, but lets be honest they're hard to find. If you're like me, at present I am museless, but that doesn't mean inspiration has run dry. You just need to start, or even know where to start. What works for me is a single word scribbled and knitted amongst a flurry of other words.

Or even just a phrase can trigger so much. When I was tending to my chilli plant today, as I fingered the compost the following came to my mind:
         "The blistering stench of mold" 
Just a few lines can lead in to something...i'll see what happens with my few lines and keep you updated.

Try these ideas if you're struggling for inspiration...

  • Flick open the dictionary and randomly pick out a word. Then string it together into a little adventure and see where it goes.
  • Stand outside, anywhere, close your eyes and work your senses. What do you hear? What do you feel - the wind on your neck? 
Muse or no muse, just make a start, its doesn't have to be a masterpiece, just put pen to paper, and at least then you've broken the silence.